
when you CLICK at my blOG,,
sUre y0u will fOund my pic,,
thEn fiRst thing you mUst read whAT hAve in my blOg,,
sure yoU nOt tOo understand!
because I'm realy wEird peSon,,
gOt many friend didnt understand who am I,,
huhu,,its okayh whEn you always talk tOo me,,
you will understand what type of me,,

welcome to dayisuki world!!

enter my personal!!
Syahrina (Halim Daughter),, 8septt,, love puchong very much,, like to eat chocolate,, drink ice lemOn tea lOrh,, like tO say HONEST,,
nO-lie,, stOp talking when in sulk,, always smile when meet yOu,,
love sweets,, never change my atitiude,,sUrlambA persOn
,, cAring sOmetimes,, lOving always,, smile when in good moOd,, be kiwi when in bad mOOd,, like lAugh lOudly ,, like tO wink ,, keEp active in clAss,, seriOUs when you plAy,, plAy when y0u seriOus,, nOt tOO prEtty,, bUt still cUte,, nOt kind,, love simple :)!!!

Isnin, 13 Disember 2010

Bruno Mars - Just the way you are♥ w/lyrics & DL

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